Monday, 30 November 2009

Week 9 BIG spender

People are lazy and looking for simple solutions. Speaking about softwares and especially free software, the question arises whether it is easier and cheaper to use the GNU GPL or pay and use a systems which is more common and well-known, BUT costs (originally ;P). What is common? Of course I am talking according my experiences, but at least today I think that as long as it is easier for me to live with paying for my software then so it be.

Finally, time and nerves are also expensive!

Monday, 23 November 2009

Week 8 Anglo-American vs. Continental European school from the IP point of view

I agree with Hanna Lundströmiga. Culture plays a significant role in these two different schools. We feel different living areas and we interpret them through culture and background systems and we determine to what is right and wrong and how things should work and be. This is juts how it's working.

Speaking specifically of differences between these two schools, Mrs brings up the concept of "moral rights".

Copyright protection is divided into two categories, economic rights and moral rights. Moral rights focus more on the author as a person than economic rights which focus on the financial profit which can be made from a piece of work.

Lundstrüm's view is that Continental-Europe compared to Anglo-American is much more inclined toward to moral values and CE is protecting IP-based involvement in the moral values more than AA does.

I do not agree. Comparing these two societies (where these two schools game from) nowadays, it appears that moral rights protection is a much more pressing issue in America than this side of the big water. There are more court cases and controversy around this issue in Amerika than in Europe.

At the same time Lundstrüm is speaking:

The prime inspiration for both systems is the cultural importance of authors, but the focus of the Continental European is even more the author while the Anglo-American is more focused on the commercial part of the copyright.

To accept this, would like to know more about the subject. However, I have the feeling that the activities focusing on the profitability are no longer only America's theme, and more and more this difference will begin to decrease or even it would come over from one school to another. It Seems like places of weights start to change.

Well, 'guess time is changing us all!

See what else Hanna Lundrüms's thinks

Monday, 9 November 2009

Week 6 Lets talk about the weather!

It was monday evening and I was working in the radio (I used to work there), alone. Time was 19:40 and I had 20 minutest to prepare news for 20:00 o'clock. I opened word document, copied articles from different sites and edited them. Themes for the news become ready I started to compose weather forecast, which should come after news. It was time to look air temperatures. I never copy air temperatures, because they are in some strange table in the web and I have to write those over one by one

"Tartu 0
Viljandi +1
Pärnu 0
Tallinn -1 " and weather are ready so I set up clips for my news. Ready again! Time is 19:55, it meants that I have time to review my document and what I see..

"Tartu 0
Viljandi +1
Pärnu 0
Tallinn -1
Poland -2 ;) "

..and I haven't left the computer!

Monday, 2 November 2009